Welcome to the Witch's Dance Gathering Contactless Tip Page!
Please scroll through the line up of dancers.
^Click on their image to learn more about them,
^Click the Tip button to tip the dancer for their performance.
^Click on their image to learn more about them,
^Click the Tip button to tip the dancer for their performance.
The Spell Witch's Dance Gathering is performed on November 1stat The Samhain Witch Market in Richmond, Virginia.
The following list features our amazing performers and information on how to support them!
Performers listed in order of appearance
Performers listed in order of appearance
Virtual Pre-Show
Saturday 10/31
in order of appearance
Sako Tumi
Sako Tumi is a practitioner of magic as well as a magical dancer. Sako can be found on most social media @PsychoSako or Sako Tumi
Sirona Luna
Sirona Luna is a passionate dancer from the Richmond area. To learn more, follow AL Masonaisse on facebook
Ginnie Fae
Ginnie Fae is today's host and producer of the Spell Witch's Dance Gathering. You can learn more about her storytelling dance style at @ethereal_ginnie_fae on most social media.
Spell Witch's Dance Gathering
Sunday 11/1
in order of Appearance
Dragonfly Tribal
Dragonfly Tribal have practiced for years in the American Tribal Style. To learn more about their dance style and community, you can take classes live and online sevencitiesdance.com or on social media @sevencitiesdancestudio
Laterna is directed by Andrea Ayame and Stephanie Haugen Fogner, to learn more about performances and classes find them on facebook @laternadanceco.
Janna Beaufait
Janna Beaufait, performer and teacher of many international dance styles. To learn more, visit www.jannasdance.com.
Nadira Grubbs
Nadira wears many hats as a performer, teacher, conference producer and many more roles. Learn about Nadira's dedication to her community and take classes from her at her studio sevencitiesdance.com or find her at @Nadira Grubbs on Facebook.
Ajna Tribal
Ajna Tribal is featuring two of it's members, Missy Olivia and Stephanie Haugen Fogner. Both performers are also teachers of the American Tribal Style. Follow Ajna Tribal on facebook to learn more.
Andrea Ayame Bryant
Andrea Ayame Bryant is a local performer and dance teacher of fusion bellydance. You can follow her on Instagram for classes in 2021 @radical_shimmies.
The Witch's Dance Gathering
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